

What I Can Do for the Beijing Olympics  
Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympics in last July, which is a great success both nationally and internationally. It proves that China is getting stronger and stronger and is playing a more important part in the world sports.   小荷作文网 www.zww.cn
All Chinese should do something for the Beijing Olympics. As a college student, I can contribute to it in the following ways. In the first place, since more foreigners will come to China before and during the Olympics, I plan to learn English even better to introduce to them the Chinese culture and tradition. More exactly, I have to practice my spoken English more. In the second place, since Beijing Olympics will be “Green”, I have made up my mind to plant 10 trees every year to make our country greener and more beautiful.   小 荷 作文网 www.zww.cn
The Beijing Olympics will surely be an important issue in our life. With the joint efforts of all the Chinese, I believe that the Beijing Olympics will be the most successful one in the human history.  
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